Kintyre Gin


Produced at a former piggery on the Torrisdale Castle Estate, this sustainably produced gin has earthy and spicey notes with a floral touch.

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Kintyre gin is produced at the Beinn an Tuirc sustainable distillery at a former piggery on theĀ Torrisdale Castle Estate. The distillery is devoted to a sustainable practise using hydro-electric to power their copper still and for every case of Kintyre gin sold a tree will be planted in their woodland area. Furthermore aĀ percentage of their profits will be donated for community projects and local business start-ups.

They use 10 commonly sourced botanicals along with 2 grown on the estate, Icelandic Moss and Sheep Sorrel. Other botanicals include juniper, orris root, lemon peel, cubeb berrries, almond and corriander.Ā